Sunday, 4 March 2007


Georges Hébert (1875-1957)
A French soldier and philosopher of physical culture. He was inspired by the athletic qualities of natives he encountered while serving in the French Navy in Africa. He developed a philosophy of physical culture from his observations called the Natural Method. Part of that philosophy had an emphasis on training by obstacle courses. These obstacle courses, known as Parcours Du Combattant, have become part of military training systems throughout the world. Part of Hebert's philosophy was that physical training should strengthen one’s moral fabric. His motto was "Être fort pour être utile," be strong to be useful. This is an important foundation of parkour philosophy.
Just a little on the man that helped Le-Parkour come to light.
see more at..


  1. So guys what do you think of Mr.Hebert?? Has anyone looked into him, he was an amazing man..

  2. Indeed I have, I adopt an awful lot of Methode naturalle into my trianing.

    In the meantime, check out my latest blog.

    Hopefully it will make sense to you guys.

    also on here

  3. I had you in mind when puting this post up lol
    I enjoyed your blog so much ill link to asap.
    What kind of stuff do you do when training Methode naturalle??
