Friday, 9 March 2007

Say cheese!

For thoese that missed it, D.Belle staring in an Canno add. Very cool!!


  1. well done will for being the first from us-lot to post here, remember these are MY mentors, so everything I am telling to you I pretty much heard from them first...

    this video I saw a while ago, and I'm not too keen on things like the last jump (being done on wires, look at the roll-landing from one angle and him landing on his side in another angle) plus you can see her supports in a shot at about 23 secondss (look at the top of the screen a few frames after she takes off on the wrong foot - the back foot - which we all know if we took off on that foot we would plummet to the earth)

    sorry to be picky, but I'm relatively injured and am focused on REAL parkour rather than anything else, I'm so desperate to get back, but I cant till I'm healed or I risk long term damage...

    anyway cheers guys for bringing this back to my attention :)

  2. Welcome to the Garden Will, i think it was in France but made for korea TV.
    The last jump is cinematically good but in the real Parkour world a bit silly, I mean how bad you want that girls photo Mr.Belle lol
    I enjoy a little o.t.t sometimes and this was just right for me, I love the run along and over things and HOW GOOD WAS THE ONE ARMED CAT/SAUT DE BRAS!! I re-wotched that bit like 20 times lol hes so strong..thats the kind of stuff good friends Jin and Blane are on.
    As for the pop in shot suppourt, thats just bad editing :(

    Dale mate you be better soon!!


  3. hey this is a cool vid :)
    yeah that one armed cat was really cool.
    hey guys we got out blog now so check it


  4. hey guys i have now started to get my blog up. stil under development and a bit of work i want to do to it, but im going to start getting some posts up there soon...


  5. Hayaki,Urban,Daz,zen thats a lot to say at one go!!
    Good luck with the blogz everyone..
    whats the links tho??

  6. hey seems to be gettin better hope to be goin round broadfields soon...this ad os pretty cool but u cn see that the last jump is clearyy wired
    parkour was on soccer a.m this week if any of u got to see it...

    speak soon Max

  7. Hey again guys I'm adding you to my blog if that is alright?

  8. hi cable sorry about this things i tried to send an e-mail but i am in at internet cafe this computer has some problems so do I ! i hav to talk with u as soon as possible! its emergency.please take this sirrious.but now i dont hav a mobile phone and in that way i lost ur number too.please sent ur number to me then i will call u hope ur online and u will c this soon.LILY
